17 June 2011

Life Changing

I do not know how to start the story, it is a really long story which have to refer back to SIX years ago.
*you may stop reading if you are not interested in history".

Two days ago i went to meet up with my lovely primary school friend.
A lovely + friendly + talkative girl. We went to a place call "GoGo Cafe" which is also known as "GoGo KTV" a nice place for friends gathering because it is a place that build up on the sea and you can have a sea view and feel the sea breeze. Of cause it is also a damn suitable place for girls like us to have "pillow talk" or "gossip gossip".

So we order a red wine for that night. We talk a lot about the past, the happiness, the sadness, the touchiness......
She told me a lot of thing that night, the challenges that she went through throughout these few years. From secondary until the day he gave birth to her baby boy, Princeley. I can't imagine how she goes through all of these alone, bravely.
I share with her about mine too, the challenges that i faced when I was in 15s.
I went through a though challenge 6 years ago.
That incident make me looks down on myself. I seek myself as a slave, a whore, a murderer........a rubbish.
That incident makes my parents lost their faith to me, i still can clearly remember that night, they slap me, beat me, kick me and lock me in the dark room....I  even tried to commit suicide that night.

I told a lot of things to her, i cried, she hug me and cried with me too. I never tell anyone before about my past, I always show my smile, my happiness to people. I do not know where did I find the strength to vomit all out, maybe I'm really drunk that night.

I cried miserably and I keep on blaming to myself because I feel shameful to be with my Bii without letting him know about my past, without honestly telling him everything.
That night, Pearly told him everything without letting me know.
That night, he hug me tightly without letting me go.
That night, we cry for each others without any others know.

After that night, i feel so release, I had honestly face my problems and finish my 6 years challenge. He accept me without any hesitate.

I am really happy to have a true friend like you, my dear Pearly. You help me to solve my problem and help me to face the problem that I do not dare to face for the past 6 years.

"Friends see ur happiness. 
Good friends see ur happiness & tears. 
But true friends see ur tears in ur laugh." - totoloved

Pearly "美人鱼"



"他知道后的第一句话是说“傻婆” "

My Bii, who accepted my pass, managing my present and creating my future.


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