16 June 2011

Not First time

Yes, i blog again. "clap clap clap"
This is my N times in blogging. I used to blog but I stop when some problems occurred,such as
-i forgot my password, 
-i have nothing to blog, 
-I got no time and procrastinate it, 
-I don't have beautiful photo, 
-I don't know how to use blogspot.com.......bla bla bla
okok...the most important and the main reason is 
You know, problems always occur anyway, anytime in our life. It is a challenge for a little girl. "forgive please"

But now.....do not worry about it anymore, because recently i have found a strong reason to blog. I have a lot to share.
Just wait ya......."patiently"

~Surprise everywhere, Blogging everyday~

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