21 July 2011


Curiosity killed the cat!!

Curious what does the title "BenBenBen" means? haha, Do not worry, in here,
Curiosity brings surprice surprise!! "Ben, u knw wat i mean"

Ben, is actually one of my primary friend's name. We know each other since we were 7 years old and now he is studying in UK.
A friendly friend and special guy who always chat with me and accompany me "crazy" in my "Imagination WonderLand".

Yeah~~ You are right, I'm going to talk about my special friend today, Ben Toh.
I remember that he has a special nickname during primary which is "WATERMELON", "西瓜西瓜".
Look at his photo, his head...haha
 Maybe you will think that...."hmm, still the same as others what". OK, never mind, let us have a comparison....."!!WARNING....Ben, pls stop reading"

"I warned you before"
Taadaaaa........ so do you still think that the size of his head still same as us??
"T.T Ben, pls don't get angry, I'm just telling the truth!hoho"

Although, he has a big head, he still a nice guy, he always accompany me to my  "Imagination WonderLand". he is good in imagination, maybe simply because of his big head..
We always talk about Alaska, a beautiful place which is also my FINAL DESTINATION!!

Try imagine lying over there......woooo^^

the conversation between us always be
Ben: Where are you?
Me: Alaska loh, when do you want to come and visit me?
Ben: Where are you?
Me: Malaysia now, flying Alaska later, will drop by UK to visit you, be prepare"

haha....funny right?
Actually i have not much to write in this post, this post being created is to make my friend SYIOK when reading it!! haha....."dont deny ah Ben, i can see you flying in the sky"

~Imagination brings joy to our daily life~

1 comment:

  1. u memang shiok me!! i din expect to see tis lar !! deng!! Btw i dunno got wat similarity between me and WU ZHONG XIAN lo!! ofcoz the 科学怪人... but when did u post this ? i Long time no stalk d... but this really shiok me moi!! ur tarzan going to kill me, 'Jane'!!
